Friday, December 18, 2009

via google images

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Unexpected Inspiration

It's amazing how strong the effects of one grande coffee from Starbucks can be. It has been at least seven hours since my indulgence and I can still feel twitches from the caffeine. Funny how my inability to sleep has turned into a discovery.

Apparently coffee stains can offer a little inspiration. Hmmm.

I came across Jerry Seguin's etsy shop where he sells prints using spilled coffee, watercolor and x-rays.

Maybe he was wired on coffee too.


image 1:
image 2: unknown
image 3:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Winter White

Sometimes its hard to pull off white in the winter (especially in Oregon). Here are some neutrals that will lighten up the typical black-on-black ensambles.

Michael Kors at ShopStyle

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Urban Chic

I am often critiqued on my consistent appearance in black attire. Personally, I see nothing wrong with it--accent colors in a shoe, scarf, hat or purse are far more exciting and you can invest more into classic pieces.

I've passed on this urban style using a black palette of patterns and textures with a bold pop of color.

Hat- Forever 21- $9.80
Tights-Calvin Klein-$20.00
Skirt- Forever21- $17.90
Ring- Forever 21-$4.80
Shoes- Forever 21- $24.90
Leather jacket- Urban Outfitters- $120.00
Faux pearl necklace- Forever 21- $8.90

Model- Sarah Lynch
Styled and Photographed by Me
